Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Third presidential debate

 Thrid presidential debate

As I noticed in the third presidential debate, that was held in Florida, major points were mentioned, having to do with foreign polic, such as terrorism, the longest war with Afganisthan and Pakistan, and what is going to happen with Israel and China.
When talking about war and the spendings on the army that were made during his still presidency, trillions of dollars, Obama maily talked about how that money was well invested, because the only thing he wanted was to keep us safe, so the money was not wasted, he will do whatever he needed to do for our own protection, while Romney on the other hand, was saying he would rather have spent, or is going to spend that money on the navy, because according to him the navy has not been working as it used to be used before. That was one of the major points that were argued on the table; something that interested me in the whole debate, was when the question about where America is right now, Obama said it was stronger that four years ago, because of the end of Iraqs war, and according to him employment was growning. So the war with Pakistan is not over yet, because Romney believes they have too many nuclear arms, that are out there; while both of the debaters argued, I could see that Obama was most of the time making fun of Romneys ideas, but overall I think Obama won the debate, he stayed strong during the whole debate, and I believe is sometimes rude from governor Romney to evade the moderator when he was about to say something.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

vice presidential debate

The Vice President's debate

the question on who won the debate, is still a tie, according to me, both of them were ready to give all they got in them betweehn Joe Biden and Paul Ryan.

From what I saw, Paul Ryan, was the strongest one, always having something to say to persuade everyone, and to show his real feelings about what has happened,he was basically saying that Obama never did anything, and if there was a terrorist attack, they would never say it, he believes people should know the truth,  also talking about Iran, and other nuclear weapons, he was also talking about how employment rate, has decreased during Obama's presidency, Romney wants to help everyone, was promising how Romney cares about everyone, he wants to end poverty, and loves to help people, On the other hand, Joe Biden, was telling him to stop saying what they were going to do, instead he wants him to show America that all those promises are true, and that we will fight  for those people in need.
Then again Paul Ryan mentioned medicare, that while in Obama's presidency they took to much time deciding on who to give the medicare to, instead of just giving it, and helping more people.

While both parties, discussed over most political issues, that are poverty, education, unemployment, and both of them stayed strong on their ideas, eventhough they ended up fighting with words and interrumpting themselves, it was a great debate overall.